Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Fix MOV File after QuickTime Error 2048 : Fix Error In Very Quick Time With Ease

Error -2048 : The file could not be opened because it is not a file that QuickTime understands. "If you encounter this error every time you play videos in QuickTime, this post will be beneficial." In the quest to fix MOV file after QuickTime Error 2048, also joins several online discussion forums or seeks help from professionals. understand and be drawn into the technical aspects and when it comes to command lines, it is at sea.

Fix MOV File After QuickTime Error 2048 : Know More About MOV Files

MOV is a compression algorithm developed by Apple Computer that can be played on Windows and Mac computers through the QuickTime player. It is widely used today in digital media devices. MOV files are also known as QuickTime MOV files and are easy to read. One of the advantages of MOV is that video files are editable and there is no need to rewrite the entire codec of video files.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Facts Revealed About The Cyber Crime & Malicious Malware

If you have a PC then there is a high chance that your System has been targeted with some sort of viruses. Your System may have infected with either little or major infection. There are several brilliant minds who uses their power for the evil intentional and gain millions of dollars. They usually works on the concept of holding user's valuable data for the ransom fee. In the Computing world, there are several malicious threat available which victimized Windows PC and cause lots of inconvenience.